Femme Fatales!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happy Bloggers

Just a little update with some amazing sites you have to check out. I follow these peeps and I just love reading their updated blogs and I'm sure you will too :)
Informative, lots of reviews, ideas and mega giveaways! Check out these beautiful gals and their words of wisdom and let me know what you think.

Eco chic, natural beauty girl,
esthetician, skin care therapist and blogger.
Glam obsessed!

Vert: Canada's Green Beauty Blog
Passionate about promoting organic,
natural and environmentally sustainable beauty
and health products.

Love and Latte
Gorgeous pictures,
wonderful decorating tips,
event planning ideas,
makes you happy just to skim through.

Living Locurto
Free printables,
recipes, party ideas and crafts


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Strawberry Reusable Bag Giveaway Winner!

Congratulations to my Strawberry Reusable Bag Giveaway Winner #6

I picked the winner by hand...I hope that's ok? I didn't realize you had to pay to use Random Generator.

Masquerade - I will contact you by e-mail shortly. Congratulations!
Thank you to all who entered and be sure to check back to my blog because next month there will be another giveaway!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Easy To Decorate with Flowers

I absolutely adore flowers!!
I have them all over my house and this doesn't just stem from the fact that I work with them daily.

Since I started my job with Lakeshore Inc. I've learned more about flowers than I've ever known. I used to think a bouquet or a center piece was a bunch of flowers thrown together to make a bunch. How wrong I was. Flower arranging is an art, but it doesn't have to be costly and it certainly doesn't have to be frustrating.

A lot of people are too afraid of flowers to even try, that used to be me, but let me be the first to say that there's really nothing to it, and the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

Flowers can be an easy way to decorate your house for a special occasion, a girl's get together, a relaxing atmosphere or a romantic evening with that special someone.

Often times I find though the flowers are pretty in themselves, what you choose to display your flowers in/on is just as important as the flower itself and can add or take away from the look.

Be creative, and go with your gut instinct.
Remember, if it's leaving a cringe on your face, think how your house guests will look.

Below you'll find images of easy to do it yourself creations that won't blow your budget or leave you cringing.

Most of these beauties you can find in your own backyard or growing wild in a field. Stop and pick a few the next time you go by them.
Beautiful doesn't have to be expensive!
Less is always more!!
Passionate Peony

*Photo by Dreamy Whites*
The traditional floral symbol of China, the State flower of Indiana and the 12th wedding anniversary flower, peonies are known as the flower of riches and honor. With their lush, full, rounded bloom, peonies embody romance and prosperity and are regarded as on omen of good fortune and a happy marriage.

Lovely Tulip

*Photo by Unknown*
The 11th wedding anniversary flower, it's said that the tulip's velvety black center represents a lovers heart, darkened by the heat of passion. With the power to rival roses in their red variety and the sweet charm to express simple joy when yellow, it's no wonder that in addition to all it's other symbolism, in the language of flowers, a tulip bouquet represents elegance and grace.

Bountiful Daffodil

*Photo by Unknown*
Symbolizing rebirth and new beginnings, the daffodil is virtually synonymous with spring. The March birth flower and the 10th wedding anniversary flower, a gift of daffodils is said to ensure happiness. But always remember to present daffodils in a bunch - the same legends that associate this cheerful flower with good fortune warn us that when given as a single bloom, a daffodil can foretell misfortune.

Dashing Daisy

*Photo by Sir Harrison Photography via Project Wedding and Unknown*
The most accepted daisy flower meaning is purity and innocence, you will also find the meaning of a daisy flower as a loyal lover, patience, beauty and even secrecy between two people. It is commonly related to the 5th wedding anniversary and can be given to a new mother to welcome a new born baby, lovers have also gifted daisies to each other as a token of their undying love.

Beautiful Blossom

*Photo by Dreamy Whites*
In the Japanese culture, the cherry blossom represents the cycle of life and how our lives blossom and fall. The cherry blossom tree is one of the most popular good luck symbols in Japanese tradition. Generally speaking the tree tends to evoke a positive response in anyone who tries to associate themselves with any aspect of the cherry blossom tree.

Sweet Lilly of the Valley

*Photo by Red Shoes*
Lilly of the valley is the May birth flower and has the flower meaning of humility, chastity, sweetness and purity. This delicate flower is a favorite among brides and party planners as it is wonderfully fragrant and elegant.

Remember to have fun with it.
Change the water and flower food every three to four days to freshen your blooms and you'll find they'll last a lot longer.
The point isn't to show off, though naturally you'll want to show the world your tastefully put together creations, but to enjoy what you're doing. You never know, it may just turn into a hobby.

A few creations I absolutely adore!
Follow this Link and scroll to the bottom of the page for easy step by step Basics to Flower Arranging.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Words of Wisdom with a Bit of Humor

1. Aspire to be Barbie - the bitch has everything.

2. If the shoe fits - buy them in every color.

3. Take life with a pinch of salt... a wedge of lime, and a shot of tequila.

In need of a support group? - Cocktail hour with the girls!

5. Go on the 30 day diet. (I'm on it and so far I've lost 15 days...where does time go).

6. When life gets you down - just put on your big girl panties and deal with it.

7. Let your greatest fear be that there is no PMS and this is just your personality.

8. I know I'm in my own little world, but it's ok. They all know me here.

9. Lead me not into temptation, I can find it myself.

10. Don't get your knickers in a knot, it solves nothing and makes you walk funny.

11. When life gives you lemons, turn it into lemonade then mix it with vodka and ice.

12. Remember wherever there is a good looking, sweet, single or married man there is some woman who is tired of his bullshit!

13. Keep your chin up, only the first 40 years of parenthood are hard.

14. If it has Tires or Testicles it's gonna give you trouble.

15. By the time a woman realizes her mother was right, she has a daughter who thinks she's wrong.

'Good friends are like stars.........You don't always see them, but you know they are always there'.

'Remember yesterday, dream about tomorrow, but live today'.

And raise your glass....cuz we all have class!


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Fantastic Eco Gifts For Someone You Love or Simply For Yourself

I find myself surfing the net a lot more these days, part is due to my part time hours at work and the other part is due to the research I do to find fun facts, tips, tricks and even more ideas on how to be Eco compatible with the Earth.

Being Eco friendly means money, but not always. Naturally going green is going to cost a bit more because it involves more resources getting interactive so we can have more green goods at our disposal. But try to think of it like any other budget you would set, because in the long run it really does benefit not just the Earth but you as well and that's the most important part!

The next time you go shopping for gifts or shopping period, reconsider what you're going to spend your hard earned cash on. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Here are some green gadgets you won't want to miss.

I love throwing a good backyard bash as well as going to one. What better way to decorate your outdoors than with Solar powered lights? You can find these pretty's at Restaurant Lighting ranging anywhere from $19.99 to $69.99

Get solar power instead of purc
hase battery.
You need approx. 250 cell battery to charge a cell phone 500 times. Solar power is definite and free! Say good-bye to mass-consumption lifestyle and hello to eco-friendly life! ($21.40 USD) Plus I'd rather dangle this eco-friendly charger than be confined to the length of my charger’s cord!
View more at Strapya World

The Bedol Water Alarm Clock runs only on water and keeps perfect time without requiring batteries or electricity. Just unscrew the base and fill with tap water! Amazing converts ions in the water into clean energy power. Water won’t need to be replaced for 12 weeks or more and its simple and fun to do. Built-in memory chip remembers time so you don’t have to reset. This patented eco-friendly timepiece is even shaped like a drop of water. Great for home or travel. Features a daily or hourly alarm and easy to set 12 hour or 24 hour clock. (Range from $16 to $29)

Everyone needs a good flashlight.
Why not go green with a solar powered flashlight from SunNight Solar. Starting at $39, the BoGo light provides 4 to 6 hours of illumination after a full solar charge of 8 hours and SunNight will donate a flashlight for each light sold!

Waterproof, portable, and eco-friendly, this green gadget is ideal for the techie on the go. The SolarRoll goes everyw
here your electronics can go to provide a quick, off-the-grid charge. Available from Brunton for $200 to $500, the SolarRoll charges digital cameras, mobile phones, laptops, and more.

Growing Wishes Seed Kit
Why not take some time to nurture yourself while nurturing the earth? Uncommon Goods' Growing Wishes Seed Kit is a collection of 8 different seeds, including Sunflower, Calendula, Lavender and French Marigold, and their corresponding "wishes" such
as Joy, Energy, Peace and Hope. Plant these beautiful blossoms and watch them grow along with your dreams! A great reminder to be peaceful and patient during whatever challenges life may bring. ($20)

Xeko Pals
Xeko Mission is a trading card game where kids learn about protecting endangered species and threatened natural habitats. Xeko Pals are plus hy animals (made from organic cotton and soy) featured in the cards. Each Pal comes with unlimited access to its own online game keeping kids occupied while inspiring them to learn about our natural world. That's an adventure worth taking!
If we just do our homework, we can all make this Earth a greener place to live and breath :)

Your one stop shop for eco friendly gifts.
Originally Gifted creates unique toxin free, organic and natural gift creations that do not deplete our planets resources.
Gift ideas range from Birthdays, to His, Hers, Baby, Mothers Day and more.
Prices start from $39.99 and up. A great natural gift idea.



Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Eco Strawberry GIVEAWAY!

Say no to paper or plastic and bring your own bags to the store.
Reusable bags are an environmentally friendly way to shop, and with cute designs like these, how can you resist?

I first fell in love with these reusable bags when I went to the National Womens Show in Toronto last year with my cousin and my mom.
They ALWAYS have great give-aways, samples, and neat ideas so it was the place to be for me.

What I love about these bags is that they're tiny and very convenient! I simply loop them through my purse straps and off I go! Or, if you want to be a little more tactful, throw a few into your purse or bag, they really don't take up much space at all! I always carry one with me, because you never know when you'll need it, and trust me, they carry quite a bit. Not to mention they're very cute and fashionable and they make a great gift!


I will generously be giving one lucky reader three(3) of these fabulous bags.

Entry Requirments:

1. Let me know what you do to help the environment.

Post Your response by leaving a comment below. Be sure to leave your e-mail address so I can contact you if you've won!

To up your chances with extra entries you can:
  • Blog about this give-away and leave me the link
  • Follow @Zxenarea on Twitter and Re-Tweet this giveaway
  • Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect (on right)
  • Follow my other blog for an added entry (ask me picture)
Leave separate comments below letting me know which of these entries you have chosen so I can confirm them!

Comment 1: Zxenarea...I recycle! (nugget_092@hotmail.com)
Comment 2: Zxenarea...I am a fan on Twitter! @Zxenarea And I recycle!
Comment 3: Hi Zxenarea...I'm a follower of your blog! And I recycle! (nugget_092@hotmail.com)

Good Luck!
*not actual bags*

Contest Closes May 25th at 8pm Pacific Time. Open to Canadian and US residents only.

This contest is now closed!