Say no to paper or plastic and bring your own bags to the store.
Reusable bags are an environmentally friendly way to shop, and with cute designs like these, how can you resist?
I first fell in love with these reusable bags when I went to the National Womens Show in Toronto last year with my cousin and my mom.
They ALWAYS have great give-aways, samples, and neat ideas so it was the place to be for me.
What I love about these bags is that they're tiny and very convenient! I simply loop them through my purse straps and off I go! Or, if you want to be a little more tactful, throw a few into your purse or bag, they really don't take up much space at all! I always carry one with me, because you never know when you'll need it, and trust me, they carry quite a bit. Not to mention they're very cute and fashionable and they make a great gift!
I will generously be giving one lucky reader three(3) of these fabulous bags.
1. Let me know what you do to help the environment.
I will generously be giving one lucky reader three(3) of these fabulous bags.
Entry Requirments:
1. Let me know what you do to help the environment.
Post Your response by leaving a comment below. Be sure to leave your e-mail address so I can contact you if you've won!
To up your chances with extra entries you can:
Comment 1: Zxenarea...I recycle! (
Comment 2: Zxenarea...I am a fan on Twitter! @Zxenarea And I recycle!
Comment 3: Hi Zxenarea...I'm a follower of your blog! And I recycle! (
To up your chances with extra entries you can:
- Blog about this give-away and leave me the link
- Follow @Zxenarea on Twitter and Re-Tweet this giveaway
- Follow my blog with Google Friend Connect (on right)
- Follow my other blog for an added entry (ask me picture)
Comment 1: Zxenarea...I recycle! (
Comment 2: Zxenarea...I am a fan on Twitter! @Zxenarea And I recycle!
Comment 3: Hi Zxenarea...I'm a follower of your blog! And I recycle! (
Idk what happened to my post. But i still want to enter this contest. I will help the environment by saving energy. I won't open water unless it;s necessary. Close running water when not needed. And instead of riding a car, I walk to the library or stores. =)
my email is
thanks you!! =) and i added you as following. =)
I walk to work whenever I can and I recycle everything!! I also pick up trash and put it in the waste basket if it's somewhere it shouldn't be.
Thanks! :)
Hi! I try to help the environment by recycling, turning the water off when I brush my teeth and when I take my shower (when I put shampoo and soap LOL), turning the lights off when not needed, not using the drying machine in the summer time, using natural and organic products, etc...Let save the Planet 2gether! :-)
I follow Zxenarea on Twitter (as @Masquerade1727)
I follow your Blog (as Masquerade1727) :-)
I Tweeted your giveaway! :-)
Here's the direct link to my Tweet:
Hi!I try to help save the environment by doing the 3 R's (Reduce, Re-use and Recycle):)
I try to help the environnement by using only eco-friendly skin care and home care products, recycling, bringing my own reusable bags and produce bags to the grocery store, and conserving energy...
My email aurelie.lacroix (AT)
I also tweeted this giveway and I follow you on Twitter (@aurelielb).
I recycle, I have been part of a city wide recycling drive done through recretions centres, and I have taken the first step at home to organize a system for which my family can easily just a drop a bottle into the bin and then wheel it out to the crub. Also have taken the lead in making sure the office in which I work is also doing their part and making sure they do not waste what can be recycled.... I hope this is what you wanted? not to this blog stuff.
First off, I have to say those are some kickin bags! I help the environment in many ways, from using canvas bags, buying locally grown/made when I can, recycling, and soon I plan to start using chemical-free cleaning products. I also go to and through their points system do things such as offsetting pounds of carbon or giving clean water for a day to a child in a third world country.
My e-mail address is
P.S. I'm now following your blog ;) Definetly going to try that "Big Girl" book. (
Also, I would assume that you can only retweet this giveaway once for an extra entry, but it seems Masquerade is doing it daily...?
I follow your other blog Oana Thompson! :-)
(as Masquerade1727)
I help the environment by recycling and saving water and energy by turning off lights and making sure the tap isn't running. Also, i participate in community clean ups. Along side, i walk to most of the placed i need to get to or bike, and if needed, i bus. =]
my email is
thank you!
i have also blogged and followed and replied and retweeted on twitter and i follow you on YOU'RE blog [ShootingStars123]
thank you so much!
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