Femme Fatales!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Where Does The Time Go?

With the beginning of September comes and goes the beginning of a new school year.
It's hard to believe that summer is over. Where did the time go?

My little man is starting grade 3 and some of you may just be putting your little ones into Kindergarten. It seems like just yesterday when Dorin was going to Kindergarten and again I ask where did the time go?

Every school year is a mother's new dread. Between school supplies, a new wardrobe, new friends, PTA meetings and the enrollment in extra curricular activities there comes an unstable stress level. For me, the majority of my stress is not in relation to buying him new clothes because of his sudden 2" growth spurt, or because of an endless list of school supplies but because the realization that my baby is growing up right before my eyes, hits me like a ton of bricks.

I can still remember when he was in my belly demanding his cheese obsession be satiated and bruising my ribs from his endless kicks.
How is it that we get so comfortable in our role of parenthood that we don't notice the time fly by until it hits us right between the eyes when we least expect it, like it does me on his first days of school? Perhaps my sadness comes not from the fact that he is indeed getting older and maturing before my eyes, but in the fact that I too continue to mature and get older.

You're only as old as you feel!
Stay healthy my Sweets!


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