Femme Fatales!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 7 - Photoblog Challenge

Something You Ate Today

Being on the go more often than not I try to eat as healthy as possible but I fall off the map too sometimes, I'm only human.  I think if I were to incorporate my good eating habits with a litte....ok ok a lot!....of physical exercise I might not look like a rolly polly ball but meh!  I am who I am!

Anyways, this morning I prepared something that literally takes minutes and will be healthier than any fast food breakfast you can get ANYWHERE!  It's a favorite at our house.  Even our son eats these now.

I start with a flat wrap.  This one in particular is Dempsters Spinach and Whole Wheat

I add lettuce and a cheese slice broken apart.  My Compliments 1/2 the fat mozz cheese, but any cheese will do.

I spray a pan with Pam and crack either two or three eggs in, flipping the eggs as they cook and piercing the yolk, this way both sides are cooked nice and even.  Or, you could just scramble them.

 Add the eggs to the lettuce and cheese wrap...

...and top with salsa.

I can gaurantee this won't take any longer than ten minutes, if even that.  It's packed full of nutrients, it's low fat and it gives you mega energy and keeps you full until lunch time.

That's what I ate today.


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